11 benefits of ashwagandha for men

Hey dear! Are you looking for the benefits of ashwagandha for men that means you like Ayurveda and you like healing with nature is the best way to cure.

Don’t worry I am here with you to share the amazing health benefits of ashwagandha for men. In my research. I found ashwagandha is a most powerful herb for health 

In India, ashwagandha is commonly used by local people. Indian people have used ashwagandha for thousands of years for many types of diseases like insomnia, and immunity, and to enhance their fertility and others

Let’s deep dive into the benefits of ashwagandha for men. Im sharing 12 amazing health benefits of ashwagandha

  • Boosting Testosterone
  • Enhanced Sex Drive
  • Increased Fertility
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Reduction of Blood Sugar and Inflammation
  • Increased Athletic Performance
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Improve sleep quality
  • improve Physical health
  • improve anxiety and mood
  • improve brain functioning

Now we will know about the benefits of ashwagandha in detail based on research. so that we all can use it well with proper knowledge.

Credit – FreepiK(Ashwagandha)

1. Improved Mental Health

Nowadays almost every person is suffering from mental issues like stress, and anxiety. In such a situation, ashwagandha is very beneficial for mental problems because ashwagandha is more than just a stress reliever

Some studies have shown that ashwagandha protects against cell degeneration which can lead to bigger mental problems like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s

ashwagandha has potential benefits for mental health through its properties. Some local research showed that those who take ashwagandha tablets regularly his minds more relaxed and calm.

2. improve anxiety and mood

ashwagandha has many health benefits including anxiety or stress because ashwagandha decreases the level of cortisol, this hormone is a stress hormone that increases our mental health issues or fatigue.

2019 study also shows that ashwagandha decreases the level of cortisol or other stress hormones decreases anxiety and improves mood or mental health it also helps you to feel good and calm

Some other studies suggest that ashwagandha may have antidepressant effects that improve our mood and decrease the level of anxiety or stress

3. Improve sleep quality

The biggest reason for sleeplessness is thinking or overthinking whether it is positive or negative in such a situation ashwagandha may have calming properties that contribute to improving sleep quality. It also has been traditionally used as a sleep or relaxing medicine in India.

Research from a National Library of Medicine study showed that if a person is suffering from insomnia and, takes ashwagandha tablets regularly then it is beneficial for them.

Five randomized control trials of NCBI that containing 400 participants were analyzed ashwagandha showed significant effects on overall sleep

The biggest reason for sleeplessness is thinking, negetive or overthinking in such circumstances ashwagandha calms the mind and improve sleep quality through its adeptogenic propeties

4. Boosting testosterone

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for our body to better health or say better sexual health because testosterone has the power to heal our entire body quickly

ashwagandha herbs have many properties for male sexual health that improve testosterone hormone in males

In some research, researchers have seen that ashwagandha is one of the best natural sources for enhancing Male testosterone levels

Some other studies of NCBI also suggest that chronic stress can impact hormone levels including a decrease in the level of testosterone in such a situation ashwagandha supplement may increase the level of testosterone levels but results are not universally constant in all studies more research is needed to establish a clear result

Ashwagandha may have proprties to boost male sexual health. Some evident to suggest that ashwagandha may have positive impact on testosteron level or male fartility

5. Enhanced Sex Drive

Sex is the most common thing in all species to grow their families but in a few cases through anxiety, stress, a toxic environment, or other things that Impact male primary sex hormone testosterone levels.

Research has shown that ashwagandha relaxes mood and decreases anxiety or stress levels due to stress sex performance will decrease but if a person takes ashwagandha his mind gets calmed indirectly increasing our sex drive

ashwagandha has aphrodisiac-like qualities that enhance our sex drive and also it is important for better sex

not much research has been done on sex drive by ashwagandha but some research shows that ashwagandha indirectly increases sex health through its aphrodisiac-like qualities

Ashwagandha has aphrodisiac like qualities that inhance our sex drive but not enough evidence that it is most effective for sex health or drive

6. Increasing male Fertility

Ashwagandha indirectly supports male sex health through its relaxing properties because during sex males are always in a panic but after taking ashwagandha your mind gets relaxed and having sex without any problems or any anxiety

In 2020 research showed that ashwagandha is impactful in increasing male fertility or sexual health through its properties.

Some studies also show that regular consumption of ashwagandha may have a positive impact on sperm quality and quantity. Along with this ashwagandha affects male fertility by normalizing levels of hormones like cortisol, and progesterone which decrease male fertility or show some negative effects on sex health

Ashwagandha indirectly supports males sex health through is calming nature. Some study shows that it increases our stamin for better sexual health

7. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is becoming common in today’s lifestyles because of not having a proper or pure diet, always using mobile phones, and not doing any physical activities.

Erectile dysfunction is not a physical disease but it’s a psychosomatic or psychological disease which means it happens because of our thinking or our negative thinking by using excessively mobile or excessively watching porn videos or indulging in porn thinking through these thinking or processes our mind gets blind and erectile dysfunction like diseases happen

In such a situation ashwagandha relaxes or calms the mind and by calming or relaxing, nature because of problems like Erectile Dysfunction or premature ejaculation automatically heals itself.

Also, some studies show that taking ashwagandha during erectile dysfunction diseases improves a little bit not too much but for a person who suffers from this problem on the mind level then ashwagandha defiantly shows good results for these kinds of patients

Some study shows that ashwagandha indirect improves erectile dysfunction in a small scale through its aphrodisiac like properties.

8. Reduce Blood Sugar and Inflammation

In today’s world diabetes has increased drastically. Every year millions of people lose their lives due to diabetes. the biggest reason for millions of people’s deaths is their lifestyles or relation with artificial sugar.

diabetes generally occurs because of insulin stability. It happens through the pancreas, if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin then diabetes is bound to happen in that situation ashwagandha improves insulin sensitivity or increases insulin secretion which helps in keeping diabetes levels normal

In such a situation ashwagandha has an anti-diabetic compound called withaferin which regulates our sugar level in the body. This compound helps us to normalize sugar levels.

Some studies have also shown that ashwagandha may improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin regulates our blood sugar levels.

some other study of humans from NCBI(National Library of Medicine) also shows that plant-based medicine or herbs can reduce blood sugar levels and improve functions of the body

In 2015 National Library of Medicine study showed that the consumption of ashwagandha increases our insulin levels

However limited studies have shown that ashwagandha is beneficial for diabetic patients.

In our body, chronic inflammation is connected with insulin resistance and diabetes but ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce chronic inflammation

some research done on animals shows that ashwagandha reduces chronic inflammation, and some other research also suggests that ashwagandha also helps with chronic inflammation in humans.

Blood sugar is increased by our bed habbits or hormonal imbalance in that situation ashwagandha may control our eating desires and also control the pancreas that leads to diabetes some study also suggest that withaferin is a compound found in ashwagandha is helping for suger normalization

9. Increased Athletic Performance

Ashwagandha has such properties that increase physical strength or endurance level in athletes who take ashwagandha

Some researchers suggest that ashwagandha has amazing benefits for athletic performance in terms of strength, recovery, and enthusiastic

Some research shows that ashwagandha improves our cardiorespiratory strength, It is a measurement of how well your heart, lungs, and muscles

some other studies have been done with 40 professional cyclists. Researchers gave them ashwagandha tablets of 500mg and told them to eat twice a day for 8 weeks after some time researchers were shocked by the results because every cyclist reported significant improvement in their stamina or endurance level

The NCBI study also showed that ashwagandha is an amazing herb that gives the best nutrients possible at a micro level to maintain a healthy body

In research conducted with a few people who take 120 – 1250 mg of ashwagandha daily, the results indicate that ashwagandha increases physical performance and strength and also enhances man’s manliness

some research shows that ashwagandha has amazing health benefits like cardiorespiration, or physical strength or endurance levels its also provide micro nutrients to our body that may increase the athletic performance

10. improve Physical health

Our physical health is dependent on our mental health. if a person is mentally weak then there is no chance that he will be physically strong because mental health is more important than physical but in such a situation ashwagandha has flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, and steroidal lactones. that gives power to a person to become mentally or physically strong.

A recent study of MDPI shows that if a person takes ashwagandha regularly then his athletic performance, endurance, or recovery will be increased.

The NCBI study showed that ashwagandha improves hemoglobin count and red blood cell count which is important for cardiovascular performance it is beneficial for our overall health

Some studies also suggest that regular taking of ashwagandha increases your muscle strength and mass

Ashwagandha has nouber types of compounds that help our body to fit like flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, and steroidal lactones. that gives power to a person to become mentally or physically strong.

11. improve brain functioning

The problems with brain functioning increase day by day. Some scientific studies suggest that it is caused by excessive use of mobile phones. Mobile damages our brain cells and also shows a negative impact on the brain

Some other scientific research found that a notification from a mobile phone released some hormones in our body that are released when we see a lion

It means that mobile phones unbalance our body’s hormones But in such circumstances, ashwagandha showed some positive results on that

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that may contribute to improving cognitive functions and memory

A study of NCBI shows that ashwagandha could improve cognitive impairment and ashwagandha also improves schizophrenia in older adults

NCBI research also shows that ashwagandha may improve cognitive functions like:

  • analytical thinking
  • Focus
  • Ability to react
Aswagandha improves our cognitive functions and brain power by its adeptogen properties. It also help in normalise our hormons that leads to improve brain functioning it also improves analytical thinking, focus, or ability to react in our body

what is ashwagandha

Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) is also called India ginseng or winter cherry. It’s an amazing herb found in India and Asian countries. It is commonly used as a stress reliever or calmer the mind. It is also used in other issues like improving testosterone, fertility, muscle power, and other

Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit word that means. ashv means horse and Gandha means smell. The complete meaning is, that it smells like a horse and boosts energy like a horse. That’s why Indian vaidya or ancient ayurvedic doctors called ashwagandha

Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years in India and Asian countries for many types of diseases. It is obtained from its roots, leaves, or stems but the most effective part of ashwagandha is the root

Lots of research has been done on ashwagandha that all suggests it is the most effective herb in Ayurveda with its various health benefits

Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress enhancing fertility and increasing immunity. It is also beneficial for different types of diseases due to its vata-balanced properties

Ashwagandha side effects for male

Some research shows that it is safe but if you consuming without any consultation or advice then defiantly harms you. Ashwagandha is heat in nature and you are consuming without any gap so you may have some problems like diarrhea, vomiting, or rarely stomach problems and liver problems might be possible.

That is why if you want to consume ashwagandha tablet, powder, or lotion please consult a doctor, and if you still want to consume it then stop using it after 3 months if you want to use ashwagandha lotion make sure to use it only 2 months.

how to take ashwagandha

There are no standard doses for taking ashwagandha it depends on the situation of the patient. However, some research suggests that taking 250 gm to 600 gm per day can reduce stress or anxiety

In some conditions, suggest high doses of ashwagandha like 150 to 5000 mg from root extracted for better results.

If a person wants to take ashwagandha powder then take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ashwagandha root powder with ghee, jaggery, or honey with your health specialist

You can also consume 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ashwagandha with worm milk at bedtime

You can also use it as an herbal ashwagandha tea to its benefits

Who takes ashwagandha

ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb which means anyone can take ashwagandha with guidance. Ashwagandha mainly works on the mind’s reason areas. we all know that nowadays almost 70 to 90% of diseases are psychosomatic in such a situation ashwagandha calms our minds and cures diseases

here are the 4 people group who should take ashwagandha:

  • People who want to reduce stress or anxiety
  • people who are suffering from sleeping problems
  • people who are health-enthusiastic
  • people who are improving their congestive function

Who couldn’t take ashwagandha

No doubt Ashwagandha is an amazing herb for our health but in some people, ashwagandha does not act well or in some people, it shows a negative result

here are the 4 people groups who should take ashwagandha:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • Man/Woman who suffering from autoimmune disease
  • thyroid patience
  • under 16 children’s
  • Men/Women who suffering from severe diseases or taking medicine for many years
  • people who suffer from allergies

Frequently asked questions

does ashwagandha increase testosterone

yes, some evidence suggests that ashwagandha indirectly increases testosterone levels. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows that ashwagandha is beneficial for testosterone

Does Ashwagandha make you sleepy?

Not really ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties which simply means it relaxes our mind which is why people feel sleepy.

Does Ashwagandha increase the size?

There is no scientific evidence that ashwagandha increased size but because of its properties stamina or testosterone will increase indirectly supporting sexual health

what is ashwagandha good for

ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng amazing herb found in India and Asian countries. It is commonly used as a stress reliever or calmer the mind. But it is also used to Improve testosterone levels, Physical health, sleep quality, and others

Which form of ashwagandha is better?

Some studies suggest that root-extracted ashwagandha is the best or most effective.

Ashwagandha how to use?

Ashwagandha is used in various forms like supplements, powder, lotion, or herbal formulation

When ashwagandha starts working

In some people results get quick but in some people, it may take time to see results

When ashwagandha should be taken?

There is no research to say whether ashwagandha shows the best results but some Ayurvedic health experts suggest consuming ashwagandha powder at bedtime

Ashwagandha is good for what?

Ashwagandha is a natural herb that improves sleep quality, energy, vitality, or cognitive function or it also decreases the level of stress, anxiety, depression,


Ashwagandha is an amazing adaptogenic herb with properties that work on the mind level. If a person suffers from any kind of disease connected with our mind then ashwagandha shows a better result on these problems

Ashwagandha is also known as Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng. It has been used in India for thousands of years for different types of diseases like stress, and insomnia

Ashwagandha has various compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, and steroidal lactones. these compounds are beneficial for our health

Ashwagandha is an Indian name that comes from ashav means horse or gandha means smell. Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties which simply means it relaxes our minds from all worries.

Ashwagandha not only cures these diseases but also has many health benefits like Boosting Testosterone, Enhanced Sex Drive, Increased Fertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Reduction of Blood Sugar and Inflammation, increased Athletic Performance, Improved Mental Health, Improved sleep quality, improved Physical health, improve brain functioning, improve anxiety and mood

Some research suggests that taking 250 gm to 600 gm daily can reduce stress or anxiety. Other research shows that some conditions suggest high doses of ashwagandha like 150 to 5000 mg from the root


Mychikitsha always chooses valuable knowledge from the world’s best sources:


  1. We use some research from the Nationational Library of Medicine (National Center for Biotechnology Information) about ashwagandha benefits and why is ashwagandha in an amazing herb for humans
  2. we also use research on physical performance by MDPI
  3. we also use some research papers about ashwagandha in psychogenic erectile dysfunction: Ancillary findings from the International Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Pharmacy
  4. We also asked some Ayurvedic specialists in India after that we decided to write about Ashwagandha

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